Computer Engineering laboratory

Professor Haruhiko, TAKASE

Associate Prof. Hidehiko KITA

Tech. Staff Yoichiro KURODA

Computer engineering laboratory Home Page

Today's computer systems are composed of processors with memories, terminals, network among these terminals, and software. Subjects of our research are as follows.

1. VLSI Testing and Related Techniques
Test generation algorithms (compact IDDQ test set generation, delay test generation, and so on). DFT (design-for-testability) and BIST (built-in self test) techniques. Approximate optimization algorithms for design and test of VLSIs, application of GA(Genetic Algorithm) and iterative improvement method.

2. Computer Supported Cooperative Work

3. Visual Programming

4. Analyze the function of artificial neural networks (NN)
Analyze the fault tolerant properties of NN. Application of self-organization abilities.